Code cleanup
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 186 additions and 186 deletions
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ type application struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
func (app *application) getCurrentNotebok_id(r *http.Request) int64 {
func (app *application) getCurrentNotebookId(r *http.Request) int64 {
session, _ := app.sessionStore.Get(r, "session")
current_notebook_id := session.Values["current_notebook_id"]
var notebook_id int64 = -1
if current_notebook_id != nil {
notebook_id, _ = strconv.ParseInt(current_notebook_id.(string), 10, 64)
currentNotebookId := session.Values["current_notebook_id"]
var notebookId int64 = -1
if currentNotebookId != nil {
notebookId, _ = strconv.ParseInt(currentNotebookId.(string), 10, 64)
return notebook_id
return notebookId
func (app *application) saveSessionValue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, name string, value any) {
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func (app *application) getCategoriesAsMap() map[string]string {
func (app *application) getTypesAsOptions(r *http.Request) []funcs.WidgetOption {
typeModel := &models.TypeModel{DB: app.db}
criteria := map[string]any{
"notebook_id": app.getCurrentNotebok_id(r),
"notebook_id": app.getCurrentNotebookId(r),
return typeModel.FindAsOptions(criteria)
@ -15,24 +15,24 @@ import (
type itemForm struct {
Id int64 `form:"Id"`
Type_id int64 `form:"Type_id"`
Title string `form:"Title"`
Summary string `form:"Summary"`
Description string `form:"Description"`
Notebooks []string `form:"Notebooks"`
Tags string `form:"Tags"`
On_dashboard int `form:"On_dashboard"`
Categories []string `form:"Categories"`
Type_icon string
Type_title string
Type_show_summary int
Type_show_description int
FieldsSection map[string][]models.Field
FieldsValues map[int64]map[int]string
Relations []models.ItemRelation
Shares []models.ItemShare
Validator validator.Validator `form:"-"`
Id int64 `form:"Id"`
TypeId int64 `form:"Type_id"`
Title string `form:"Title"`
Summary string `form:"Summary"`
Description string `form:"Description"`
Notebooks []string `form:"Notebooks"`
Tags string `form:"Tags"`
OnDashboard int `form:"On_dashboard"`
Categories []string `form:"Categories"`
TypeIcon string
TypeTitle string
TypeShowSummary int
TypeShowDescription int
FieldsSection map[string][]models.Field
FieldsValues map[int64]map[int]string
Relations []models.ItemRelation
Shares []models.ItemShare
Validator validator.Validator `form:"-"`
type itemShareForm struct {
@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ func (app *application) itemsRelationAdd(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
itemModel := models.NewItemModel(app.db)
categoryModel := &models.CategoryModel{DB: app.db}
var fullBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
related_item_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "related_item_id"), 10, 64)
relatedItemId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "related_item_id"), 10, 64)
relatedItem, _, _ := itemModel.One(related_item_id)
relatedItem, _, _ := itemModel.One(relatedItemId)
data["relatedItem"] = relatedItem
data["categoriesMap"] = categoryModel.AllAsMap()
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ func (app *application) items(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params := r.URL.Query()
offset_str := r.URL.Query().Get("offset")
if len(offset_str) == 0 {
offset_str = "0"
offsetStr := r.URL.Query().Get("offset")
if len(offsetStr) == 0 {
offsetStr = "0"
offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(offset_str, 10, 64)
offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(offsetStr, 10, 64)
data["offset"] = offset
switch r.Method {
@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ func (app *application) items(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
criteriaParam := r.URL.Query()["criteriaName"]
if len(criteriaParam) > 0 {
if criteriaParam[0] == criteriaName {
criteria_values := app.getSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName)
if criteria_values != nil {
criteria = criteria_values.(map[string]any)
criteriaValues := app.getSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName)
if criteriaValues != nil {
criteria = criteriaValues.(map[string]any)
} else {
@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ func (app *application) items(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
category_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.PostForm.Get("category_id"), 10, 64)
categoryId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.PostForm.Get("category_id"), 10, 64)
criteria := map[string]any{
"Title": r.PostForm.Get("Title"),
"Tags": r.PostForm.Get("Tags"),
"category_id": category_id,
"category_id": categoryId,
criteriaName := "itemsSearch"
@ -300,14 +300,14 @@ func (app *application) items(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (app *application) itemsType(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := app.newTemplateData(r)
type_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "type_id"), 10, 64)
typeId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "type_id"), 10, 64)
itemModel := models.NewItemModel(app.db)
typeModel := &models.TypeModel{DB: app.db}
aType, _, _ := typeModel.One(type_id)
aType, _, _ := typeModel.One(typeId)
fieldModel := &models.FieldModel{DB: app.db}
fields, _, _ := fieldModel.ByTypeOnList(type_id)
fields, _, _ := fieldModel.ByTypeOnList(typeId)
data["type"] = &aType
data["Fields"] = fields
@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ func (app *application) itemsType(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
params := r.URL.Query()
offset_str := params.Get("offset")
if len(offset_str) == 0 {
offset_str = "0"
offsetStr := params.Get("offset")
if len(offsetStr) == 0 {
offsetStr = "0"
offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(offset_str, 10, 64)
offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(offsetStr, 10, 64)
data["offset"] = offset
var fullBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
@ -330,22 +330,22 @@ func (app *application) itemsType(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
criteria := make(map[string]any)
criteriaName := fmt.Sprintf("itemsTypeSearch_%d", type_id)
criteriaName := fmt.Sprintf("itemsTypeSearch_%d", typeId)
data["criteriaName"] = criteriaName
criteriaParam := r.URL.Query()["criteriaName"]
if len(criteriaParam) > 0 {
if criteriaParam[0] == criteriaName {
criteria_values := app.getSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName)
if criteria_values != nil {
criteria = criteria_values.(map[string]any)
criteriaValues := app.getSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName)
if criteriaValues != nil {
criteria = criteriaValues.(map[string]any)
} else {
app.removeSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName)
criteria["type_id"] = type_id
criteria["type_id"] = typeId
criteria["notebook_id"] = app.getCurrentNotebok_id(r)
rows, _, _ := itemModel.Find(criteria, offset)
@ -389,15 +389,15 @@ func (app *application) itemsType(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
category_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.PostForm.Get("category_id"), 10, 64)
categoryId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.PostForm.Get("category_id"), 10, 64)
criteria := map[string]any{
"Title": r.PostForm.Get("Title"),
"Tags": r.PostForm.Get("Tags"),
"category_id": category_id,
"type_id": type_id,
"category_id": categoryId,
"type_id": typeId,
criteriaName := fmt.Sprintf("itemsTypeSearch_%d", type_id)
criteriaName := fmt.Sprintf("itemsTypeSearch_%d", typeId)
data["criteriaName"] = criteriaName
app.saveSessionValue(w, r, criteriaName, criteria)
@ -422,13 +422,13 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
categoryModel := &models.CategoryModel{DB: app.db}
typeModel := &models.TypeModel{DB: app.db}
type_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "type_id"), 10, 64)
typeId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(flow.Param(r.Context(), "type_id"), 10, 64)
aType, _, _ := typeModel.One(type_id)
aType, _, _ := typeModel.One(typeId)
data := app.newTemplateData(r)
data["type"] = aType
data["formAction"] = fmt.Sprint("/item/create/", type_id)
data["formAction"] = fmt.Sprint("/item/create/", typeId)
data["formTarget"] = "#page-content"
data["categories"] = categoryModel.AllAsOptions()
data["categoriesMap"] = categoryModel.AllAsMap()
@ -444,26 +444,26 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var fullBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
var categories []string
fieldsSection, _, _ := fieldModel.ByTypeSection(int64(type_id))
fieldsSection, _, _ := fieldModel.ByTypeSection(typeId)
fieldsValues := make(map[int64]map[int]string)
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
notebooks := []string{strconv.FormatInt(app.getCurrentNotebok_id(r), 10)}
data["item"] = itemForm{
Title: "",
Type_id: type_id,
Type_show_summary: aType.Show_summary,
Type_show_description: aType.Show_description,
Summary: "",
Description: "",
Tags: "",
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Categories: categories,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Relations: nil,
Shares: nil,
Title: "",
TypeId: typeId,
TypeShowSummary: aType.Show_summary,
TypeShowDescription: aType.Show_description,
Summary: "",
Description: "",
Tags: "",
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Categories: categories,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Relations: nil,
Shares: nil,
if r.Header.Get("HX-Request") == "true" {
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
case http.MethodPost:
var itemFromForm itemForm
var item_id int64
var itemId int64
err := request.DecodePostForm(r, &itemFromForm)
if err != nil {
@ -501,19 +501,19 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
item := &models.Item{
Type_id: itemFromForm.Type_id,
TypeId: itemFromForm.TypeId,
Title: itemFromForm.Title,
Summary: itemFromForm.Summary,
Description: itemFromForm.Description,
Tags: itemFromForm.Tags,
On_dashboard: itemFromForm.On_dashboard,
On_dashboard: itemFromForm.OnDashboard,
notebooks_str := strings.Join(itemFromForm.Notebooks, "|")
if len(notebooks_str) > 0 {
notebooks_str = "|" + notebooks_str + "|"
notebooksStr := strings.Join(itemFromForm.Notebooks, "|")
if len(notebooksStr) > 0 {
notebooksStr = "|" + notebooksStr + "|"
item.Notebooks = notebooks_str
item.Notebooks = notebooksStr
categories_str := strings.Join(itemFromForm.Categories, "|")
if len(categories_str) > 0 {
@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
item.Categories = categories_str
item_id, err = itemModel.Create(item)
item.Id = item_id
itemId, err = itemModel.Create(item)
item.Id = itemId
if err != nil {
app.badRequest(w, err)
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
item.Type_title = aType.Title
fields, _, _ := fieldModel.ByType(int64(type_id))
fields, _, _ := fieldModel.ByType(type_id)
itemModel.SaveKeywords(item, &fields, fieldsValues)
data["formAction"] = fmt.Sprint("/item/update/", item_id)
@ -567,22 +567,22 @@ func (app *application) itemCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
shares, _, _ := itemModel.GetShares(item.Id)
data["item"] = itemForm{
Id: item_id,
Type_id: type_id,
Type_show_summary: aType.Show_summary,
Type_show_description: aType.Show_description,
Title: item.Title,
Summary: item.Summary,
Description: item.Description,
Tags: item.Tags,
Type_icon: item.Type_icon,
Type_title: item.Type_title,
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Categories: categories,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
Id: item_id,
TypeId: type_id,
TypeShowSummary: aType.Show_summary,
TypeShowDescription: aType.Show_description,
Title: item.Title,
Summary: item.Summary,
Description: item.Description,
Tags: item.Tags,
TypeIcon: item.Type_icon,
TypeTitle: item.Type_title,
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Categories: categories,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
err = response.HXFragment(fullBuf, []string{"items/form.tmpl", "items/fields.tmpl", "items/relations.tmpl"}, "page:content", data)
@ -713,23 +713,23 @@ func (app *application) itemUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
shares, _, _ := itemModel.GetShares(item.Id)
data["item"] = itemForm{
Id: item.Id,
Type_id: item.Type_id,
Type_show_summary: item.Type_show_summary,
Type_show_description: item.Type_show_description,
Title: item.Title,
Summary: item.Summary,
Description: item.Description,
Tags: item.Tags,
On_dashboard: item.On_dashboard,
Type_icon: item.Type_icon,
Type_title: item.Type_title,
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Categories: categories,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
Id: item.Id,
TypeId: item.Type_id,
TypeShowSummary: item.Type_show_summary,
TypeShowDescription: item.Type_show_description,
Title: item.Title,
Summary: item.Summary,
Description: item.Description,
Tags: item.Tags,
OnDashboard: item.On_dashboard,
TypeIcon: item.Type_icon,
TypeTitle: item.Type_title,
FieldsSection: fieldsSection,
FieldsValues: fieldsValues,
Categories: categories,
Notebooks: notebooks,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
data["categories"] = categoryModel.AllAsOptions()
@ -774,11 +774,11 @@ func (app *application) itemUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
item.Title = itemFromForm.Title
item.Type_id = itemFromForm.Type_id
item.Type_id = itemFromForm.TypeId
item.Summary = itemFromForm.Summary
item.Description = itemFromForm.Description
item.Tags = itemFromForm.Tags
item.On_dashboard = itemFromForm.On_dashboard
item.On_dashboard = itemFromForm.OnDashboard
notebooks_str := strings.Join(itemFromForm.Notebooks, "|")
if len(notebooks_str) > 0 {
@ -854,11 +854,11 @@ func (app *application) itemUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
shares, _, _ := itemModel.GetShares(item.Id)
data["item"] = itemForm{
Title: item.Title,
Type_icon: item.Type_icon,
Type_title: item.Type_title,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
Title: item.Title,
TypeIcon: item.Type_icon,
TypeTitle: item.Type_title,
Relations: relations,
Shares: shares,
data["FieldsSection"] = fieldsSection
@ -11,39 +11,39 @@ import (
type Item struct {
Id int64 `db:"id"`
Title string `db:"title"`
Summary string `db:"summary"`
Summary_rendered string `db:"summary_rendered"`
Description string `db:"description"`
Description_rendered string `db:"description_rendered"`
Active int `db:"active"`
Tags string `db:"tags"`
Type_id int64 `db:"type_id"`
Categories string `db:"categories"`
Notebooks string `db:"notebooks"`
Crypted int `db:"crypted"`
Hidden int `db:"hidden"`
On_dashboard int `db:"on_dashboard"`
On_dashboard_position int `db:"on_dashboard_position"`
Type_title string `db:"type_title"`
Type_icon string `db:"type_icon"`
Type_show_summary int `db:"type_show_summary"`
Type_show_description int `db:"type_show_description"`
FieldsOnList []Field
FieldsValues []FieldValue
FieldsValuesMap map[int64]map[int]string
Id int64 `db:"id"`
Title string `db:"title"`
Summary string `db:"summary"`
SummaryRendered string `db:"summary_rendered"`
Description string `db:"description"`
DescriptionRendered string `db:"description_rendered"`
Active int `db:"active"`
Tags string `db:"tags"`
TypeId int64 `db:"type_id"`
Categories string `db:"categories"`
Notebooks string `db:"notebooks"`
Crypted int `db:"crypted"`
Hidden int `db:"hidden"`
OnDashboard int `db:"on_dashboard"`
OnDashboardPosition int `db:"on_dashboard_position"`
TypeTitle string `db:"type_title"`
TypeIcon string `db:"type_icon"`
TypeShowSummary int `db:"type_show_summary"`
TypeShowDescription int `db:"type_show_description"`
FieldsOnList []Field
FieldsValues []FieldValue
FieldsValuesMap map[int64]map[int]string
type ItemRelation struct {
Item_id int64 `db:"item_id"`
Related_item_id int64 `db:"related_item_id"`
Relation_type string `db:"relation_type"`
Title string `db:"title"`
Categories string `db:"categories"`
Tags string `db:"tags"`
Type_title string `db:"type_title"`
Type_icon string `db:"type_icon"`
ItemId int64 `db:"item_id"`
RelatedItemId int64 `db:"related_item_id"`
RelationType string `db:"relation_type"`
Title string `db:"title"`
Categories string `db:"categories"`
Tags string `db:"tags"`
TypeTitle string `db:"type_title"`
TypeIcon string `db:"type_icon"`
type ItemModel struct {
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ func (model *ItemModel) Search(searchText string, criteria map[string]any) ([]It
var conditions []string
var cond string
var conditions_criteria []string
var cond_criteria string
var conditionsCriteria []string
var condCriteria string
query := `SELECT DISTINCT bmi.*, bmt.title AS type_title, bmt.icon AS type_icon FROM bm_item bmi
INNER JOIN bm_type bmt ON
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func (model *ItemModel) Search(searchText string, criteria map[string]any) ([]It
if valint > 0 {
valstr := "|" + strconv.FormatInt(valint, 10) + "|"
params = append(params, valstr)
conditions_criteria = append(conditions_criteria, "INSTR(bmi.notebooks, ?) > 0 ")
conditionsCriteria = append(conditionsCriteria, "INSTR(bmi.notebooks, ?) > 0 ")
@ -144,27 +144,27 @@ func (model *ItemModel) Search(searchText string, criteria map[string]any) ([]It
cond = cond + condition
for _, condition := range conditions_criteria {
if len(cond_criteria) > 0 {
cond_criteria = cond_criteria + " AND "
for _, condition := range conditionsCriteria {
if len(condCriteria) > 0 {
condCriteria = condCriteria + " AND "
cond_criteria = cond_criteria + condition
condCriteria = condCriteria + condition
len_cond := len(cond)
len_cond_criteria := len(cond_criteria)
lenCond := len(cond)
lenCondCriteria := len(condCriteria)
if len_cond_criteria > 0 || len_cond > 0 {
if lenCondCriteria > 0 || lenCond > 0 {
query = query + "WHERE "
if len_cond_criteria > 0 {
query = query + cond_criteria
if len_cond > 0 {
if lenCondCriteria > 0 {
query = query + condCriteria
if lenCond > 0 {
query = query + " AND (" + cond + ")"
} else {
if len_cond > 0 {
if lenCond > 0 {
query = query + " (" + cond + ")"
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ func (model *ItemModel) Create(Item *Item) (int64, error) {
var bufSummary bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Summary), &bufSummary)
Item.Summary_rendered = bufSummary.String()
Item.SummaryRendered = bufSummary.String()
var bufDescription bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Description), &bufDescription)
Item.Description_rendered = bufDescription.String()
Item.DescriptionRendered = bufDescription.String()
query := `INSERT INTO bm_item (type_id, title, summary, summary_rendered, description, description_rendered, on_dashboard, tags, notebooks, categories)
VALUES (:type_id, :title, :summary, :summary_rendered, :description, :description_rendered, :on_dashboard, :tags, :notebooks, :categories)`
@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ func (model *ItemModel) Update(Item *Item) error {
var bufSummary bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Summary), &bufSummary)
Item.Summary_rendered = bufSummary.String()
Item.SummaryRendered = bufSummary.String()
var bufDescription bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Item.Description), &bufDescription)
Item.Description_rendered = bufDescription.String()
Item.DescriptionRendered = bufDescription.String()
query := `UPDATE bm_item SET title=:title, type_id=:type_id, summary=:summary, summary_rendered=:summary_rendered,
description=:description, description_rendered=:description_rendered, tags=:tags, on_dashboard=:on_dashboard,
@ -354,17 +354,17 @@ func (model *ItemModel) SaveKeywords(Item *Item, fields *[]Field, fieldsValues m
defer cancel()
var keywords []string
keywords = append(keywords, Item.Type_title)
keywords = append(keywords, Item.TypeTitle)
var categories_int []int64
categories_str := strings.Split(strings.Trim(Item.Categories, "|"), "|")
for _, category_str := range categories_str {
category_int, _ := strconv.ParseInt(category_str, 10, 64)
categories_int = append(categories_int, category_int)
var categoriesInt []int64
categoriesStr := strings.Split(strings.Trim(Item.Categories, "|"), "|")
for _, categoryStr := range categoriesStr {
categoryInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(categoryStr, 10, 64)
categoriesInt = append(categoriesInt, categoryInt)
categoryModel := &CategoryModel{DB: model.DB}
categories, _, _ := categoryModel.Find(categories_int)
categories, _, _ := categoryModel.Find(categoriesInt)
for _, category := range categories {
keywords = append(keywords, category.Name)
@ -405,12 +405,12 @@ func (model *ItemModel) SaveKeywords(Item *Item, fields *[]Field, fieldsValues m
return nil
func (model *ItemModel) AddRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type string) error {
func (model *ItemModel) AddRelation(id int64, relatedId int64, relationType string) error {
ctx, cancel := database.GetContext()
defer cancel()
query := `INSERT INTO bm_item_relations (item_id, related_item_id, relation_type) VALUES($1, $2, $3)`
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, related_id, relation_type)
query := `INSERT INTO bm_item_relations (itemId, relatedItemId, relationType) VALUES($1, $2, $3)`
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, relatedId, relationType)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -418,12 +418,12 @@ func (model *ItemModel) AddRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type st
return nil
func (model *ItemModel) UpdateRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type string) error {
func (model *ItemModel) UpdateRelation(id int64, relatedId int64, relationType string) error {
ctx, cancel := database.GetContext()
defer cancel()
query := `UPDATE bm_item_relations SET relation_type=$1 WHERE item_id=$2 AND related_item_id=$3`
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, relation_type, id, related_id)
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, relationType, id, relatedId)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -431,12 +431,12 @@ func (model *ItemModel) UpdateRelation(id int64, related_id int64, relation_type
return nil
func (model *ItemModel) DeleteRelation(id int64, related_id int64) error {
func (model *ItemModel) DeleteRelation(id int64, relatedId int64) error {
ctx, cancel := database.GetContext()
defer cancel()
query := `DELETE FROM bm_item_relations WHERE item_id=$1 AND related_item_id=$2`
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, related_id)
_, err := model.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, id, relatedId)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ type QuicknoteModel struct {
type Quicknote struct {
Id int64 `db:"id"`
Note string `db:"note"`
Note_rendered string `db:"note_rendered"`
Id int64 `db:"id"`
Note string `db:"note"`
NoteRendered string `db:"note_rendered"`
func (model *QuicknoteModel) One(id int64) (*Quicknote, bool, error) {
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ func (model *QuicknoteModel) Create(Quicknote *Quicknote) (int64, error) {
var bufNote bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Quicknote.Note), &bufNote)
Quicknote.Note_rendered = bufNote.String()
Quicknote.NoteRendered = bufNote.String()
query := `INSERT INTO bm_quicknote (note, note_rendered) VALUES (:note, :note_rendered)`
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func (model *QuicknoteModel) Update(Quicknote *Quicknote) error {
var bufNote bytes.Buffer
markdown.Convert([]byte(Quicknote.Note), &bufNote)
Quicknote.Note_rendered = bufNote.String()
Quicknote.NoteRendered = bufNote.String()
query := `UPDATE bm_quicknote SET note=:note, note_rendered=:note_rendered WHERE id = :id`
Add table
Reference in a new issue